A fair amount of time has passed without comment by me here. We visited the State Fair (much fun), and spent a long weekend at Wisconsin Dells with three other couples and their combined six children (much chaotic fun). Otherwise, I have been working excessively and have generally found that working a lot is not at all conducive to blogging. Frankly, I don't know how some of these more prolific parenting bloggers do it.
Anyway, tonight was my first night home alone with the boys in some time. We of course took advantage of the opportunity to do all the guy things we like to do when Deanna is not around. I brought home fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn fritters, cole slaw and kidney bean salad (the latter two of which proved to be unpopular with the kids), had a rock and roll dance party featuring AC/DC (although I haven't put on "Back in Black" by choice in ages, it is the first thing that popped into my head when Owen demanded some rock and roll - a testament to its classicness, I suppose), played ring toss with a frozen teething ring and a broom stick, had the 31st installment of the "Great Baby Race" - a semi-regular bedtime race between the twins up the stairs, with Hayden leading the series 21 to 9 - tonight was judged a tie), had a spirited wrestling match on our bed, and read books about cars. We also pretended to watch TV. We are not fans of kids watching TV except as a special treat, yet Owen, oddly, has taken to pretending to watch, laughing uproariously at the hilarious antics of made up shows - tonight it was "The Pirate and the Car" and "Stritterman and the Two Dads" - playing out on the blank screen. It reminds me of how kids who aren't allowed to play with toy guns simply pretend they are playing with toy guns using sticks or whatever. Anyway, there was minimal crying and no trips to the emergency room - a good night!