Owen, our little internationalist, often brags about having been to four countries - the U.S., Canada, Belgium and Holland. He tends to gloss over the fact that his trip to Belgium and Holland was while he was inside Deanna as a 5-month-old fetus. While one might argue that his trip prior to birth thus did not technically count as him having been to Belgium and Holland, the more conservative among you might be inclined to argue that Owen's life had begun at conception and that he came out of the birth canal already qualified to be Vice President, at least from a foreign policy experience standpoint. He also, by the way, gets high marks in another important VP qualification category: the ability to give your offspring goofy names, assuming he someday makes good on his stated goal of a year or so ago of having twins named Coasterball and Googly-Goo. Political arguments aside, he was, as I recall, enthusiastic about the Belgium/Holland trip, even in his unborn state, doing excited backflips inside Deanna each time she ingested one of the chocolate eclairs that one stumbles into every six feet or so in Belgium (its a wonder those people aren't fatter!). But I digress.
While largely girl-averse these days, Owen recently came home from kindergarten raving about "Jane", who sits next to him in class, who had been to EVEN MORE COUNTRIES THAN HIM, had been BORN IN FRANCE, and had CLIMBED ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP OF THE EIFFEL TOWER. Quite a resume for a five year old. Owen's eyes were all starry as he talked and you could almost see his little heart thumping out of his chest like a cartoon character.
Last Thursday, we had the opportunity to meet Jane's parents at parent night at the grade school (which, much to our happiness, turned into parent night at the local martini bar afterwards!). Deanna had brushed up on her French a bit and I was ready to talk semi-knowledgeably about all manner of things French with my new future in-laws like, uh, Jerry Lewis movies (yuk!) and cheese. As it turns out, Jane was not born in France and has never left the country, although she has, apparently, gone up in the 1/3 size Eiffel Tower replica in Las Vegas. What she lacks in international travel experience however, she appears to make up for in imagination and an ability to weave a spell of love over the hearts of five-year old boys.
Meanwhile, in twin news, we made the boys go cold-turkey on the pacifiers, which they previously used mainly when sleeping. Hayden was much less of a pacifier addict than Cooper, so he does not seem to miss them much. He is, however, a natural agitator, so he makes a point of asking about pacifiers at every nap and bedtime in a loud voice with the apparent goal of making sure Cooper hears and starts to get worked up. Cooper used to sleep with as many pacifiers as he could get his grubby little hands on, often sleeping with one in his mouth and a spare in each hand. He has, predictably, taken the change hard, cuddling up each night with the empty box that the pacifiers used to be kept in. A sad little sight!