
Seek and Go Seek

The twins and I are often busy here these days playing endless games of what others commonly refer to as "hide and seek," which goes in our house by its less common and more cumbersome name of "Daddy, you count and me and Cooper hide". The twins, in that twin way of theirs, always hide together, often arguing loudly about where while standing in the same room where I am counting. Once a consensus is reached, they charge off, leaving me to loudly search for them in rooms where I know they aren't before "finding" them. Often, the whole seeking process is just too much for them to bear, and they yell out helpful hints to me like "in here" in case the uncontrollable giggling emitting from their hiding spots aren't clue enough. Owen rarely joins us, as he does not appear to find it particularly fun that his brothers either insist on hiding with him or immediately out his spot upon being found themselves.

The current state of the game is a vague improvement over a recent phase, in which the twins would go to the trouble of running and hiding somewhere while I counted, but would then come charging towards me as soon as I finished counting, pointing at me and triumphantly yelling "I find you." Imagine that "seek and go seek" scenario playing out 10 times in a 10 minute period, interrupted only by my attempts to explain that they should stay in their spots until I find them, at which they would nod heartily and convince me they understood only to do the same thing again. I am also fascinated by the fact that they appear to believe that so long is they have buried there head in a blanket or the like, that I will not be able to see the rest of them. This puts them, by my calculation, at the approximate evolutionary par with the ostrich at the moment. Still, they are damn cute, and the pure joy they get from playing is so infectious that I would be hard pressed to think of a better way to spend my time than playing "Daddy, you count and me and Cooper hide" or "seek and go seek" with my little ostriches.


Jesus Row Your Boat Ashore, and Watch Out for Darth Vader

Church is always somewhat harrowing, especially since our current church sometimes tends to be on the button-downed, "children should be seen and not heard" side (or maybe even the "seen in pictures and not heard" side). I am proud to report that the boys did well on Easter Sunday, despite being hooked up to the functional equivalent of a sugar-IV in the form of Easter Baskets in the three hours immediately proceeding our worship. One favorite moment was Owen loudly humming the Imperial March from Star Wars (Darth Vader's theme song) to himself during one of the quieter patches. Another favorite was watching Hayden seriously thumb through the hymnal. Despite his lack of reading skills at age almost-three, he apparently understands that the hymnal has to do with songs, as he eventually stopped his thumbing, looked up and loudly inquired where "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" was in the book.