
Music Video No. 1

This one needs no words. Enjoy. Oh, and maybe fear for the future a bit while you're at it.


A Quiet Return

3 months and no posts. A sad new record. Can't promise I will do better, but I will at least try.

So what is shakin' on CloudEight you ask? Not much really, at least at the moment. Owen is asleep on a large footstool in his "fort" - Harry Potter-style in the closet under the basement stairs. That kid has slept in pretty much every place a kid could sleep in this house at one time or another, including at least three closets. The twins - who turned five in May - are finally quiet upstairs - their constant patter of fart and poop jokes and stories eventually trailing off into snores. Deanna should be home soon on an 8:40 p.m. train after working late. We have both been under the gun lately and today was her turn to make some serious office progress. One of our newest additions, gerbils Chubs and Junior Gerbil, sounds like he has taken a break from their obsessive hobby of chewing apart their cage and is instead jogging on the exercise wheel. The other one is probably asleep or, of course, chewing. It is pretty quiet at the moment, and quiet is good. I am going to go be quiet too, but it was nice getting back in touch with you, my much appreciated and patient readers. We should keep in better touch, me and you. Talk soon.