
You Can't Get Through!

A recent favorite game of me and the boys in the evening is "You Can't Get Through!" This essentially consists of me building a blockade of pillows and blankets in the upstairs hallway and the boys attempting to breach the wall while I try to support and maintain it from the other side (I would respectfully suggest that the offensive linemen of the Chicago Bears might want to try this game at home with their own kids, in order to get in some much needed additional practice). While attempting to prevent a breach, I will periodically yell "You Can't Get Through!" - thus the not-so-creative name of the game. They ultimately, of course, do get through, proving Dad wrong once again. I suppose that I could fancy up my motives and claim that through this simple exercise I am teaching them that no obstacle is insurmountable, no mountain too high, no river too wide. If I had daughters, I could even rename the game "Glass-Ceiling." But, in reality, it is just another excuse to wrestle around as I get them good and wound up just prior to bed, a dubious endeavor that has not escaped the eagle eye of my wife. I am also a sucker for anything that keeps them from spreading a million plastic or wooden pieces, figures, shapes, etc. around the house, so that the time we spend restoring the place following their Sherman-like march of destruction towards bed each night is marginally curtailed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aren't the games we make up with kids the best games of all? I posted the other day about despite all the toys Jack and Adam got for the b-days a few weeks ago, that the games we play the most are like yours, with pillows and boxes and drink coasters. I have no subliminal message underlying my games either, just that they're fun.