
The Continuing Adventures of RedPlanet: Kiddie Comedian

Me: "OK boys, I've got a joke."

(three expectant little faces turn my way)

Me: "Two carrots are taking a bath. The first carrot says to the second carrot, please pass me the soap. The second carrot looks at him and says 'I can't, I'm a carrot.'"


Me: "Get it? They're carrots, they don't have arms."

Owen: "Oh. Well maybe he could kick the soap over with his foot."

Hayden: "Or his knee."

Cooper: "Yeah, knee."

Owen: "Or they could put the soap in a well and it would come out of the shower with the water."


The Grey Wolf said...

I believe the world is in good hands with the next generation. Instead of tossing around carrot jokes, try some global warming issues and see if you get any creative solutions.

Oh and carrots always use liquid soap.

GG said...

Try this joke on them:

What is brown and sticky?

(when the giggling and snorting calm down)

A stick.