
The RedPlanet Boy Band Project

We recently acquired a piano - a Hamilton upright - for free. Actually, free is relative, as it cost $280 to move it (a bargain compared to some of the quotes we got!) and another couple hundred for tuning (yet to come).

Anyway, the boys interest in our recent acquisition, as expressed by plinking on it at all hours, has me thinking about working on fashioning them into a “Hanson” type-juggernaut. As I read back over that last sentence, I realize I am badly dating myself with my Hanson reference. Strike that and substitute "Jonas Brothers." While sibling bands may come and go, I am reserving for myself the timeless role of bitter and demanding father driving them to success until they ditch me for a superstar agent/manager after making it big – see, e.g. the Jackson 5, Beach Boys, ummm, Jessica Simpson(?), etc. Could I be channeling my own frustrated musical ambitions in attempting to create a supergroup within the four walls of our little house??? Only time and speculation on an episode of VH1's Behind the Music 40 years from now will tell. Hmmm. Is that show even still on now? I may be dating myself again. I really need to get a better handle on pop culture if I am going to have this thing happen.

Days later.... The project is off to a slow start, as two of the boys appear to be fairly tone deaf. The third, Hayden, is more promising, as not only does he appear to be musically inclined, he also does nothing but play the CD soundtrack to Disney's Mary Poppins on a constant loop at loud volumes, chuckling to himself over what he finds to be clever turns of phrase like "spit spot." Clearly not troubled by an affiliation with the Mouse, he is my pick to click for the "talent" portion of the group as well as a starring role in an as yet to be determined TV series I will pitch to Disney. "That's So Hayden!", "Hayden Hawaii" or perhaps "The Suite Life of Cooper and Hayden" - still working on my treatments for these.

More days later... The room the piano is in, once called the "sunroom", I have now rechristened as the "music salon." It includes in addition to the piano, an accumulation of two boxes of rhythm instruments, a small electronic drum set (present from my parents two Christmas' ago - thanks Mom and Dad for continuing to indulge my impractical whims and gift requests even at age 43! You guys are the best!), a casiotone from the mid-80's (still functioning), two trombones, and an acoustic guitar. Sadly, other than a pair of cymbals and the piano, not many of the instruments are getting a vigorous workout. Having given up on any of them actually playing, I am busying myself taking photos of the room in anticipation of a request by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to recreate it as part of their exhibit when the boys are inducted 40 or so years from now. While the prospects of this seem rather remote, better safe than sorry.

More days later... The project has been scrapped in favor of summer. May revisit in the winter. Stay tuned. See you at the pool!

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