
Cooper is a Fetching Name, Don't You Think?

So the name Cooper for boy babies seems to peaked in popularity for boys names several years ago at #75, and is now starting a slow descent. That is fine with us here at RedPlanet where we named Owen when that name was at about the same rank, only to see it skyrocket in popularity, to the point where you can't spit in a crowded schoolyard these days without hitting half a dozen little Owens.

Interestingly though, Cooper always has been, and remains, a top 10 dog name. And, much to our amusement, that fact could not be more fitting, as our very own 8 1/2 year old human boy Cooper has a personality that closely resembles that of a Labrador Retriever. And I'm not just talking predictable stuff like being sweet and smart and loyal, which he is all of in spades. In addition, to those things he really does seem to be part dog. He likes to hang his head out the window when we drive, letting his hair blow in the wind. He has been fascinated by balls since he was a puppy, er, I mean baby, and when he can't get someone to throw one to him, throws them to himself endlessly, before school, after school, in the yard, in the house. He has been very tactile since he was a baby, and loves nothing more than to have his back rubbed. And, he doesn't actually ask to have his back rubbed, but instead just sort of thrusts it at us - presenting it for rubbing. You know .... like a dog. He needs to be run outside every day. When he is not moving, he is draped in a chair or on a couch, in a state of boneless relaxation. Unlike the other two boys, when he is tired, he doesn't fight to stay up, but simply goes to sleep - it doesn't matter where - at a party, on a couch, floor, chair or bed; Hell, he even fell asleep at Blue Man Group! 

I guess my dog comparison is really a way of saying that Cooper is uncomplicated. People will often tell us, when they hear we have three boys, how lucky we are that we don't have girls; that boys are so easy. I've heard this enough to have internalized an image of the parents of girls sitting in front of a giant mixing board, tweaking this switch or another, as they try to manage the delicate and complicated and unpredictable psyches of their daughters. The parents of boys, on the other hand, I picture holding the type of control that comes with a basic remote control car from Radio Shack: up, down, left or right. Thankfully, that has been our experience to date. The other two boys are somewhat more nuanced perhaps, although, through happy accident, and not stellar parenting to be sure, they seem fairly well adjusted. Cooper is not nuanced, and in fact may just have up and down controls. He admitted last night that he didn't want to continue with TaeKwonDo lessons on Monday nights because it interfered with his watching Monday Night Football. When he pulled the turkey wishbone with Hayden the other night and won, he admitted that his wish had been ... to win the wishbone pull (and it came true, unlike those of us who might make more ambitious wishes only to be let down when they don't come true).

There is something very comforting about Cooper and his uncomplicatedness. He does his homework as soon as he gets home, and can't fathom why his brothers procrastinate. He loves baseball and when he plays, the simple joy he takes in playing it is evident to everyone who watches. He likes what he likes with a passion, and doesn't like what he doesn't like. He is literal. He is strong, athletic and popular, yet generally kind. He is happy. And he makes us happy. Every day.

And, best of all, he is house trained!

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